Sunday, February 16, 2020

I have had to rethink one of my positions.

As we walk through this life in Christ, we grow, hopefully mature, and develop as we come to recognize His nature and character.
So when, we someone, like Chris Perver, makes a point that challenges your "traditional" understanding, the wisest thing to do is to study it out - with an open mind, and see if what the author says is true.
I apply this same thinking to CS Lewis, although I feel foolish when I do it, as so many have raved over him for years. One Pastor said, your Christian journey is not complete without reading "Mere Christianity." At the time of this writing, I am, along with a few other men, are reading that very book (finally.)
CS Lewis was writing in the early 1940s, at the height of WW2. Germany had been creating a literal, fiery hell upon England with bombs and fighters, and the result of this is a part of the conversation in Mere Christianity. I get it, we all find events in our life to explain how we feel and how we are reacting; the difficulty then becomes language and I have often wondered if I should have read more Shakespeare or Dickens, as some of these words would not evade me.

You will find the reasons for my commentary on the 144,000 in my most recent post if you go there and read it. I am not referring you to me because I need the pat on the back, but because many of you, like me, have the heart and a need to understand God's word and grow.

My commentary and it is not critical of Chris's position is found here.

You can find Chris's original post here.